It’s been a while. I feel like I always say that. My reviews have slowed down considerably as life has taken over and not in a way I’m happy of. Typically, I do not like to start reviews off like this, but I feel I owe you guys, as well as the companies I needed to write reviews for an apology. Life is hard, but my God is stronger, and through Him, I can find my strength again. So, I am going to finish up these reviews so that I can keep this blogging ship sailing smoothly. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let’s get into the review.
Disclaimer: I was given a steep discount on or received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. All experiences reviewing this product are my own and are not inspired by the nature that I have received this product. Trust me, no one is paying me to say anything. You’re getting the real when I’m reviewing something.
For today’s review, I have a new skincare product to talk to you all about. I was contacted to review this black soap for you all and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I recently purchased the Shea Moisture African Black soap bar to use on my face. I have heard good things about the Shea Moisture soap, but I found it a little too bothersome to use it on my face. This is where the I’ve Been Carded Black Soap Facial Wash came to the rescue. The I’ve Been Carded Black Soap Facial Wash comes in a 2 oz. jar, with the product packed in. Here is the product description of the product, as taken from the website:
“Rewind the clock with this youth-renewing black soap facial treatment. Made with powerful African ingredients, this natural treatment deeply nourishes each pore, leaving you soft, tone, and fresh. 2 oz. DD-104.
How I’ve Been Carded Black Soap Treatment Works:
- African black soap is bursting with antioxidants that protect the skin from free radical damage, which the main cause of premature skin aging, wrinkles, and facial lines.
- Black soap also helps to even out and fade age spots and discoloration.
- Black soap is rich in Vitamins A and E. Vitamin A helps promote collagen production which makes your skin softer and more youthful, filling in lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E helps to heal tissue structure and improves the texture and tone of the skin.
- Shea butter works to soften and smooth skin while firming up skin that has gotten looser with age. It also works to heal scarring.
- African coffee exfoliates your skin while the antioxidants in coffee help to cleanse and nourish. The caffeine in coffee is also known o tone and tighten the skin while increasing circulation.
- First, if I am wearing makeup of any kind, I wet my face with warm water and remove it the Alba Botanica Pineapple Enzyme facial cleanser. I use a facial brush to work the product into my skin to break down the makeup and wash it mostly from my face. I then remove my eye makeup with the OcuSoft Lid Scrub that I did a review for here: http://www.beautybyshunarae.com/2014/06/ocusoft-lid-scrub-review.html
- Next, I will use my Spa Sonic facial cleaning system to wash my face thoroughly. After applying a little of the African black soap cleanser and working it into the bristles, I wash my face for about three minutes. It is important to me that I get off all of the makeup I can before toning my skin; this is the reason why I wash my face twice. I rinse my face with lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.
- I apply toner to my skin (apple cider vinegar and water mix) using a cotton round.
- After toning my face, I apply my eye cream, my vitamin C serum, and my nighttime moisturizer. I am prone to dry lips, so I also apply a moisturizing lip product to my lips before going to bed.